Thursday, January 21, 2010

RI Citation 2010 to 2011 Awards


❏ Is your club currently serving as the host club, or as the sponsor club of a candidate, for a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar or a Rotary World Peace Fellow? (5 points)

❏ Has your club served within the last 12 months as a host club for a Group Study Exchange team or as the sponsor club of a candidate for a Group Study Exchange team? (5 points)

❏ Is your club currently serving as the host club, or as the sponsor club of a candidate, for a Rotary Youth Exchange student? (5 points)

❏ Has your club actively supported Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge for polio eradication? (5 points)

❏ Has your club actively participated in a Matching Grant or a 3-H Grant from Th e Rotary Foundation during the current Rotary year? For clubs in a pilot district, has your club actively participated in a Rotary Foundation Global Grant during the current Rotary year? (5 points)

❏ Has your club actively participated in an international project during the current Rotary year with the assistance of funds from a District Simplified Grant received by your district from The Rotary Foundation? For clubs in a pilot district, has your club actively participated in an international project during the current Rotary year with the assistance of funds from a Rotary Foundation District Grant received by your district? (5 points)

❏ Has your club supported a World Community Service project though a financial contribution, the donation of goods, or volunteer service in the past 12 months?(5 points)

❏ Has your club accepted the challenge of the Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative as evidenced either by a contribution from every club member to Th e Rotary Foundation during the current Rotary year or by an average contribution to Th e Rotary Foundation of at least US$100 per member for the current Rotary year? (10 points)

❏ Does at least one member of your club belong to a Rotary Fellowship or a Rotarian Action Group? (5 points) This category has 50 points available. How many points has your club scored?

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