Friday, January 22, 2010

International night play

Rotary Spirit
- Proposed Play by Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu in International Night 25/02/2010
(any more proposal for performance please contact Rtn Edward Tan 0198100686 )


1 Alvin calling for friend like Paul, Jack, Edward and Alfred to come
for dinner - seafood from Kudat. Lobster and rat grouper

- Alvin call friend to his house for dinner, father in law brought lot of seafood from Kudat.. emphasis on Lobsters and mouse groupers..

- Busy cooking ask Paul to call the rest of friends.

- Warm greeting by Alvin to the friends….

- Friend praise about lovely Alvin house and the garden….

2. At Alvin's home everyone enjoying the dinner of seafood and talk
how wonderful and happy it is about life’s.. (theme fellowship)

- Talk about the good time last week dinner host by Jack – having scallop freshly bought from market at 400am in the morning and salted fish from kudat and the porride.
Alfred got diarrhea

- Plan to go to Kudat - all families and other friends overnight.

- Boasted about Seafood in Sabah the Best compare to other countries

3. Then Paul commented how lucky we are compared to the hardship
the rural community - Flooding, hygiene, shelter and education..

E.g the recent Kota Marudu flood and the earth quake at Haiti. Thinking to do some thing to help.(Theme community service)

- Contribution and help from friends, business associates and contractors
- Biscuit manufacturer , Southern, ABX , United trading and otherlah.. (partnership in service)

4. Lately more social problem of the youth today also - No job and no direction
- hang around in centre point, karamunsing complex and one borneo,
and Sabahan stranded in west Malaysia seeking for job
suggestion organize career talk and setting up job centre
( getting commission)
….(theme vocation and youth).

and disaster oversea and look see look see (international)

5. Idea of setting a social service club among the friends

- Jack Suggest to name te club Merry go round club of kota kinabalu.
Explain why this name ?( Theme - meaning of Rotary)

Merry means happylah or good time like merry Christmas every time happy
when get together to drink and eat and talk nonsense.
And round got many meanings
- it means everyone have their term to host dinner
- it means perfect in unity and harmony
- it means one Malaysia lah “one for me and one for you “
- it means one merry go round club and one world lah “

All agreed. (shout good idea)

- Every one agreed and excited…

6. Suggest club must have objective s 1. Friendship 2. Fellowship 3.service 4.Oversea trips

- Jack suggest about friendship - helping one another “ “you scrap my back I scrap your back”

- Alvin suggest about fellowship – Cantonese fair lo ship or getting fat in the ship good time.

- Paul suggest about service – partnership in service

- Alfred suggest about international – go big and form more club like this and make more friends.

7. All suggest a club song - heal the world ( then all the Rotarian include
the audients like radio background )

- Alvin suggest a song and explain the meaning. Heal the world.

8 All excited to tell Edward who came late for dinner about the idea of
forming a social and service club. After listened Edward have a better idea say not
need to form a club and instead he invite them to come to Rotary Club of KK.

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